Transform Student Behavior Management
and Attendance Tracking

Improve classroom behavior — and school climate — for the better with SchoolMint Hero, the practical way to promote positive behavior, ensure consistency in discipline, and improve attendance.

Student Behavior Management - Main Image Desktop

Transform Student Behavior Management
and Attendance Tracking

Improve classroom behavior — and school climate — for the better with SchoolMint Hero, the practical way to promote positive behavior, ensure consistency in discipline, and improve attendance.

Student Behavior Management - Main Image Tablet

Transform Student Behavior Management
and Attendance Tracking

Improve classroom behavior — and school climate — for the better with SchoolMint Hero, the practical way to promote positive behavior, ensure consistency in discipline, and improve attendance.

Student Behavior Management - Main Image Mobile

Establishing a Positive School Culture is Easier with SchoolMint Hero

For more than 20 years, SchoolMint Hero has helped teachers use the power of positive reinforcement to get students in class, on time, and ready to make good choices.

Behavior Management - Get Students to Class

Get students
to class.

Automate attendance tracking. Generate passes lightning quick. Increase instruction time. And get students back in class — fast.

Behavior Management - Reinforce positive behavior

Reinforce positive

Positive behavior interventions and supports are the core of SchoolMint Hero and help you create more engaged students and successful teachers.

Behavior Management - Transform your school

your school.

As SchoolMint Hero helps you improve attendance and behavior, improvements in school climate, culture, and academic performance will follow.

Establishing a Positive School Culture is Easier with SchoolMint Hero

For more than 20 years, SchoolMint Hero has helped teachers use the power of positive reinforcement to get students in class, on time, and ready to make good choices.

Behavior Management - Get Students to Class

Get students
to class.

Automate attendance tracking. Generate passes lightning quick. Increase instruction time. And get students back in class — fast.

Behavior Management - Reinforce positive behavior

Reinforce positive

Positive behavior interventions and supports are the core of SchoolMint Hero and help you create more engaged students and successful teachers.

Behavior Management - Transform your school

your school.

As SchoolMint Hero helps you improve attendance and behavior, improvements in school climate, culture, and academic performance will follow.

SchoolMint | Quote Icon

With SchoolMint Hero, we can assign detentions and late slips in seconds rather than minutes. Students used to spend the time it took to write out a slip arguing. Now it’s done before they can even say anything, and there’s less stress in tracking behaviors.”

Lincoln Middle School

SchoolMint | Quote Icon

SchoolMint Hero is easy to use and implement. It provides real-time data, tracking, and parent communication. The impact has been dramatic — and fast. We saw an 85% reduction in tardy-to-class students in only one year!”

Assistant Principal
Cleveland School of the Arts

SchoolMint Hero is transforming the culture in schools and districts across the country.

SchoolMint | Quote Icon
To replicate the amount of work [SchoolMint’s] digital advertising team [was] able to do for us, I’d need to hire multiple full-time employees. They aren’t just a vendor; they’re a part of our team.”

Franco Cruz
Chief Marketing Officer
Bridge Preparatory Academy

Effectively Manage Classroom Behavior and Student Attendance

Document attendance, manage student conduct, communicate with families, and review data — all from one powerful classroom management and attendance tracking software.

Behavior Management | Improve Attendance

Improve attendance.
Improve academic performance.

When you process tardies by hand, students miss instruction time, and teachers face near-constant interruptions. SchoolMint Hero simplifies the process for your teachers and front office and quickly gets students back to learning.

  • Automate tardy management and pass printing
  • Increase effective instructional time
  • Improve students’ academic performance
  • Reduce student tardiness and chronic absenteeism
  • Improve classroom management
Behavior Management | Track Student Behavior

Track and manage student behavior.

SchoolMint Hero drastically reduces the time it takes to capture incidents, helping you make a major dent in minor infractions. Plus, SchoolMint Hero is configurable and supports your preferred framework: SEL, PBIS, MTSS, RTI, and more.

  • Assign discipline, and quickly create referrals
  • Track any behavior you want, including custom ones
  • Support a school house system
  • Create a virtual point system that translates to real rewards
  • Ensure fairness, equity, and consistency in discipline
Behavior Management | Bridge the Gap

Bridge the gap between
school and home.

SchoolMint Hero sends instant notifications of behavior events, opening communication lines between school and home so that educators and families can work better together.

  • Ensure your behavior plan doesn’t end when the bell rings

  • Keep families informed

  • Notify parents/guardians in real time via text or email

  • Increase family involvement in each child’s education

  • Standardize on one behavioral communication tool for the entire school

Behavior Management | Behavior Patterns

Identify behavior patterns.
Intervene early.

Understand how behavior is affecting all classrooms through data. Identify positive trends, reward students for meeting expectations, and intervene before problems arise.

  • See how student behavior and attendance is improving over time

  • Monitor behavior interactions by subpopulation: grade, gender, race, etc.
  • Measure progress through preloaded and custom reports

  • Communicate to stakeholders your positive results

  • Support your new and less experienced teachers

All classes. All staff.
All students. One plan.

Unlike other classroom management systems, SchoolMint Hero isn’t an app for individual classes. It’s one powerful platform for uniting your entire school community.

Behavior Management - Administrators


Administrators can align everyone behind established behavior initiatives, ensure consistency in discipline, and monitor progress through in-platform data.

Behavior Management - Teachers


Teachers can easily use SchoolMint Hero to improve classroom management without adding mountains of paperwork to their already busy schedules.

Behavior Management - Families


Families will appreciate hearing about their child’s successes and setbacks through the SchoolMint Hero parent app

Behavior Management - Students


Through the student app, students can see their reward points, positive behaviors, schedules, historical data, detentions, and more.

All classes.
All staff.
All students.
One plan.

Unlike other classroom management systems, SchoolMint Hero isn’t an app for individual classes. It’s one powerful platform for uniting all stakeholders.

Behavior Management - Administrators


Administrators can align everyone behind established behavior initiatives, ensure consistency in discipline, and monitor progress through in-platform data.

Behavior Management - Teachers


Teachers can easily use SchoolMint Hero to improve classroom management without adding mountains of paperwork to their already busy schedules.

Behavior Management - Families


Families will appreciate hearing about their child’s successes and setbacks through the SchoolMint Hero parent app

Behavior Management - Students


Through the student app, students can see their reward points, positive behaviors, schedules, historical data, detentions, and more.

See How SchoolMint Hero Has Helped Other Schools Achieve Their Behavior Goals

See How SchoolMint Hero Has Helped Other Schools Achieve Their Behavior Goals

SchoolMint | Quote Icon

With SchoolMint Hero, we went from having to use every person in the school — paras, custodians, principal, ap, instructional coaches — to handle discipline. After using Hero for only one year, the students are much more well-behaved, and the personnel in the school can do their own jobs now instead of focusing on behavior.”

Fifth-Grade Teacher
Duval County Public Schools

Case Study

Teacher Recruitment | Underline

Using Student Behavior Data to Transform Decision-Making


Decrease in general absenteeism


Decrease in chronic absenteeism


Reduction in monthly behavior referrals

Cicero School District No. 99 struggled with inconsistent behavior tracking. By using SchoolMint Hero’s data to form a strategy for improving behavior, they’ve achieved a 67% decrease in chronic absenteeism, a 34% reduction in referrals, and more.

Read More >

Case Study

Teacher Recruitment | Underline

Transforming School Culture Through Positive Behavior Reinforcement


Decrease in class tardiness


Decrease in inappropriate cell phone usage


Increase in positive staff–student interactions

Valley High School, struggling with a toxic culture and low student performance, transformed their school’s environment with the help of SchoolMint Hero — leading to a remarkable transformation in the school and a decrease in negative behaviors.

Read More >

your school’s
culture with SchoolMint Hero.

It takes a lot of work to maintain a culture of positivity at schools, but those that do reduce discipline-related issues, improve academics, and create a better place for everyone to teach, learn, and grow.

Make big improvements with SchoolMint Hero:

  • Empower teachers with a tool to improve classroom management

  • Process, manage, and reduce student tardies and passes

  • Automate creating referrals and assigning detention

  • Bring your behavior plan to every classroom

  • Improve student behavior and attendance — for the long-term

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn how SchoolMint Hero can help you improve behavior and reduce tardiness!