Promote Your
District’s Schools

with the Ultimate School Finder Tool

SchoolFinder is a school search and comparison tool that makes it easy for you to highlight your schools and for families to discover their options within your district.

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Promote Your
District’s Schools

with the Ultimate School Finder Tool

SchoolFinder is a school search and comparison tool that makes it easy for you to highlight your schools and for families to discover their options within your district.

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Promote Your
District’s Schools

with the Ultimate School Finder Tool

SchoolFinder is a school search and comparison tool that makes it easy for you to highlight your schools and for families to discover their options within your district.

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Showcase What’s Amazing
About Each of Your Schools

SchoolFinder gives your district control over its own narrative, helping you to promote your schools equally and showcase the uniqueness of each campus.

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Gain the
competitive edge.

Your district has resources, services, programs, and amenities other schooling options can’t match. Put those benefits on display with SchoolFinder.

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Improve school
choice access.

No school should be a “best kept secret.” SchoolFinder helps parents discover all of the options in your district, including your oft-overlooked campuses.

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Improve your
district’s story.

Since you control 100% of the information shown in SchoolFinder, you can ensure that every school is providing accurate and up-to-date information

Showcase What’s Amazing
About Each of Your Schools

SchoolFinder gives your district control over its own narrative, helping you to promote your schools equally and showcase the uniqueness of each campus.

Teacher Recruitment - Recruit Better Icon

Gain the
competitive edge.

Your district has resources, services, programs, and amenities other schooling options can’t match. Put those benefits on display with SchoolFinder.

Teacher Recruitment - Work Smarter Icon

Improve school
choice access.

No school should be a “best kept secret.” SchoolFinder helps parents discover all of the options in your district, including your oft-overlooked campuses.

Teacher Recruitment - Hire Faster Icon

Improve your
district’s story.

Since you control 100% of the information shown in SchoolFinder, you can ensure that every school is providing accurate and up-to-date information

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With SchoolFinder, we have control over the information shared about each school, and parents can click through the platform and learn about our schools, which helps them make informed selections.

Mike Wilcox
Director for Student Enrollment



parent searches per year


program searches per year


school comparisons per year

Give families a 24/7 enrollment fair in the palm of their hands.


SchoolFinder enables families to make fully informed, confident enrollment decisions from the comfort of their mobile phone. Here’s how.

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Help Parents Make an Informed Decision

SchoolFinder ensures parents receive accurate information about each school and removes the language, time, and technological barriers families face when seeking enrollment.

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Guide Parents and Guardians Along Their Journey

By simply plugging in their address, grade level, interests, and desired programs and services, parents and guardians will receive a list of all schools in your district that match their requirements.

Teacher Recruitment | Partner with recruitment experts

Connect Great Families with Great Schools

SchoolFinder’s family-friendly interface offers users an intuitive search-and-learn experience. This makes it simple for families of all backgrounds to compare schools, select favorites, and happily proceed with enrollment.

Your district will stand above the competition

with SchoolFinder

See for yourself how SchoolFinder’s school search and comparison tools will help highlight your district’s unique offerings and increase enrollment at your public schools.

Meet Some Districts Who Are Creating Positive Enrollment Experiences with SchoolFinder

Connect families with great schools through SchoolFinder.

More than 10 years ago, SchoolMint launched the first SchoolFinder software in K-12. Since then, we’ve refined our product to ensure the best experience for your parents.

With SchoolFinder, your district will be able to:

  • Inform parents about the breadth of offerings available to them

  • Provide accurate information for all of your schools

  • Decrease phone calls and emails to your district office

  • Replace your old-fashioned school directory with a modern, online showcase

To talk to a SchoolMint enrollment consultant about the ways SchoolFinder can improve your district’s enrollment, please fill out the form.